sábado, 30 de junio de 2012


"El supuesto “paraíso” de bienestar y prosperidad que representan la sociedad norteamericana y su modelo de desarrollo, se derrumba estrepitosamente cuando se conocen las estadísticas que demuestran que sólo el 1% de sus habitantes recibe casi un cuarto de la renta nacional, y acumula el 40% de la riqueza."- Joseph Stiglitz, Premio Nobel de Economía 2001

Today, these figures show that the American dream is a myth.  Actually there is less equality of opportunity in the U.S. than in Europe (and in fact, less than in any advanced industrial country)

Stiglitz mentions that having the sense of values lost in the wealth seek of power, the big upper classes, are gonna still "exploring the poorest and the least educated" taking advantage of them, offering jobs while they get bonuses for their hard work, so here we have the very good example of lack of TREATMENT and STATUS, in a society. 

This is one reason why America has the highest level of inequality of any of the advanced countries. And the distance that separates him from others is growing. During the "recovery" of 2009 and 2010, 1% of Americans with higher incomes are left with 93% of the increase in income. Other indicators of inequality (such as wealth, health and life expectancy) are as bad or worse. There is a clear trend towards concentration of income and wealth at the top, the depletion of the middle class and increased poverty in the background.

Every time decreases equal opportunity means that we are not using some of our most valuable asset is our people, the most productive way possible. Also, many of the distortions that lead to inequality, such as those related to monopoly power and preferential tax treatment for special interests, undermine the efficiency of the economy.

Personally feel that not only the fact that there is economic inequality, the inequality is the eye in several ways starting with respect for basic constitutional rights of any citizen, in this country tend to be overlooked unless you are as in other economic status or  if you're native citizen. because the migrants and the middle classes are those classes that are most needed but at least they aren't take in mind.

Defenders of claim that American inequality the poor and those in the middle need not complain, it may be that piece of cake with which they are running is less than before, but thanks to the contributions of the rich and super-rich, the cake is growing so much that in fact the size of the slice is greater.

why we have figures of excessive profits on one side of the balance while the other side only recorded losses? the extent to which the defenders of inequality characteristic of a capitalist economic model intended to make up a reality that is obvious in the eyes of all?

It may not be so bad if there was even a grain of truth in the theory of the spill: the peculiar notion that enrich the above is in the interest of all. But today most Americans are worse (less real income adjusted for inflation) than a decade and a half ago in 1997. All the benefits of growth flowed to the top.

This should not surprise those who understand what is the origin of inequality. Rent-seeking distorts the economy. Of course, market forces also play a role, but the markets are policy, and the United States, with its system of campaign finance cuasicorrupto and the coming and going of people one day occupy a public office and the other is in a private company, and vice versa, depends on money politics.

Is the price that a State must pay to maintain an economic model that gets us nowhere, only to realize inequality.


lunes, 25 de junio de 2012

los indignados del 15m, España.

"Estaba latente; se elevaba a veces y, de pronto, comenzó a rugir con fuerza. Sus ecos tomaron las calles hablando de hartazgo, de conciencia y activismo por aquello del 'No nos representan'. Y alcanzaron a miles de personas, que abrían los oídos a medida que los decibelios iban subiendo. Era el inicio de un movimiento ciudadano que pilló a políticos y medios fuera de juego"

"15M: palabra por palabra. Una movilización de ideas, de voluntades en asamblea, de
familias y rebeldía acampada que empapeló aquellos días de recados sin respuesta. La prosa espontánea y urbana que consignó el descontento un 15 de mayo"

The benefit of this manifestation is that the media has capture the essence of the spanish movement. People feel related, and that people are the only one that can actually change for a good, and that the changing is possible. It really thrilled me to see an analyst giving a sense of hope to the decision of the people, cause in my opinion that's where the really power relies.That's what democracy actually means. 

José Luis talks about a reality when he portraits that "Al hacer mediatica la opinión pública, te has cargado la libertad de todo el público." What he means is that even when your opinion is good, once it gets in the hands of the media, it will stop being your opinion and start being manipulated by it, to generate in this case a big manifestation. He tries to makes us understand that there are also two sides of this manifestation, the media is always strong to get people, and to convince others, he wants to leave clear that message so that spanish people could vote on the elections wisely, and not only fooled by another blinded system, which is the mediatic one.

Spain suffered from having two political parties that were only interested in gaining power for each side and to generate the same kind of oppression to the spanish people, and not being a "channel of communication" for them. According to José Luis, the capitalist economic government is sinking and it's not gonna last for much long, that idea I also share it, because as we discussed in class, capitalism have come to the point in that it has stop being a benefit for the societies, the wealthy corporations or the biggest power on it are the one who rule and oppress the others, leaving us, the rest, with a bunch of financial problems, polite views issues, demands for more power and banking problems, just like it is happening on Spain.

Necesitamos una economía «más humana, más solidaria, capaz de contribuir a desarrollar la dignidad de los pueblos» José Miguel Sampedro.

Las prioridades de toda sociedad avanzada han de ser la igualdad, el progreso, la solidaridad, el libre acceso a la cultura, la sostenibilidad ecológica y el desarrollo, el bienestar y la felicidad de las personas.

El actual funcionamiento de nuestro sistema económico y gubernamental no atiende a estas prioridades y es un obstáculo para el progreso de la humanidad.

Check the interview in this link on you tube

miércoles, 6 de junio de 2012

Who Will Benefit from Haiti’s Gold Rush?

Mining companies were exploring in Haiti, Canadian and U.S. corporations now confirm they have permits to mine gold in more than 1,000 square miles in northern Haiti. Haiti’s new prime minister says the estimated $20 billion worth of minerals in Haiti’s hills could help liberate it from dependency on foreign aid and rebuild from the devastating 2010 earthquake.

I think mining is very important to the development for a country as long as this has the economic and environmental sufficient resources for this practice to be sustainable. Haiti is a country that is in complete poverty is not only economically but also their natural resources are depleted, eroded soils, and others that do not have enough drinking water to the mining practice become the limited reserves of water in most polluted places. This is not just thinking about making money, which in this case the profits of production do not stay in haiti, most goes to the northern countries owners of large corporations engaged in the business, you should consider the population that inhabits the place and future sustainable development and to achieve sustainable progress.

women's confronting poverty

"Mary Ann Manahan helps rural women in the Philippines build their knowledge, strength, and political voice. Here she speaks of how women are creating alternatives to violence and poverty in their lives. They use strategies for change that start at the household and community, and then connect to the global level, so they can confront the crippling impacts of globalization."

It is very important to your activity Mary Ann, and considering the economic factors that affect their city sociale, she is an enterprising woman who is not content simply to protest the rights that all people in their womanhood should receive. She creates strategies to stop seeing women as mere receivers filter problems, they always rests with the first blow of poverty, or any social problem, women are called “shock absorbers” because they are the first to feel the crises caused by the economic and social insecurity of globalization, and right now specifically by the financial crisis. Essentially, the global economy is being run on the backs of women, especially women in the global South.

But, even in the most vulnerable sector of society, women have strength. They get it from within their family and from interacting with fellow women. Another important piece is confidence-building. Having been battered so much, they don’t normally have the confidence to present themselves as women of knowledge, or women who can actually insist on their rights. Central in their interactions is women’s rights and the importance of changing gender relations.

Once they have enough knowledge and confidence, another strategy is doing trainings to improve their skills in light of government policies. They’re now ready for a much bigger arena of engagement: collectively going to the mayors and local executive to insist, for example, that we have a policy where 5% of the budget goes to gender and development projects.

About the violence

"pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and don't notice it."

The majority of veterans in jail today are there for violence against women and children, a fact that has persisted since the Bureau of Justice began surveying imprisoned veterans in 1981. Yet the incidence of veteran violence against women does not carry over to other crimes.

military trainers intentionally use crude, sexist epithets to harden and turn young male recruits into desensitized killing machines and to demean women recruits. Use of hateful marching rhymes and taunts of "pussy," "sissy," "girl," "bitch," "dyke" and "faggot" are common in training.

Carrying over the pervasive woman-baiting in military training into active duty, male soldiers pigeonhole their female counterparts, according to many women soldiers, as "whore," "bitch" or "dyke" - a bitch if you refuse sex, a whore if you do sleep with soldiers or even have one boyfriend, and a dyke if you have women friends, are bright, or don't like fellow male soldiers. This last "branding" keeps women from bonding with each other, according to many women vets. Peer pressure encourages both sexes to go along with the harassment of women soldiers and the culture of silence and impunity about rape.

I think the violence that is promoted in the military training generates a series of disturbances on a personal level in soldiers, and that affects the behavior they have with women. They see everything as a target, and the woman is an object that should earn more, I think abuse is the product of their thought of superiority, do not know respect, because they were trained for war, its strategy is to win or die.

In the case of common people that it hasn't been subjected to a series of behaviors that justify abuse and mistreatment they do in others. It is much more complex shred what goes through the mind of a rapist of women and children, goes beyond behavior implemented by a superior in the army, as in the book the color purple.

Celie is a girl who has been raped by her father and she was pregnant for the second time with his child. Celie's mother is quite ill and after cursing Celie, dies, leaving Celie alone to face her father. Celie then turns her attention to protecting her sister, Nettie, from her father's sexual advances. Celie soon marries Mr.(later called Albert) after her father strikes a bargain with the older widower, and Celie finds herself in a loveless marriage, caring for her husband's four children and being regularly raped and beaten. Celie becomes fixated on Shug Avery, a glamorous blues singer who is her husband's mistress. Several years later, Celie eagerly accepts the responsibility of nursing Shug back to health, thus beginning a lifetime of friendship and love between the two women.