sábado, 30 de junio de 2012


"El supuesto “paraíso” de bienestar y prosperidad que representan la sociedad norteamericana y su modelo de desarrollo, se derrumba estrepitosamente cuando se conocen las estadísticas que demuestran que sólo el 1% de sus habitantes recibe casi un cuarto de la renta nacional, y acumula el 40% de la riqueza."- Joseph Stiglitz, Premio Nobel de Economía 2001

Today, these figures show that the American dream is a myth.  Actually there is less equality of opportunity in the U.S. than in Europe (and in fact, less than in any advanced industrial country)

Stiglitz mentions that having the sense of values lost in the wealth seek of power, the big upper classes, are gonna still "exploring the poorest and the least educated" taking advantage of them, offering jobs while they get bonuses for their hard work, so here we have the very good example of lack of TREATMENT and STATUS, in a society. 

This is one reason why America has the highest level of inequality of any of the advanced countries. And the distance that separates him from others is growing. During the "recovery" of 2009 and 2010, 1% of Americans with higher incomes are left with 93% of the increase in income. Other indicators of inequality (such as wealth, health and life expectancy) are as bad or worse. There is a clear trend towards concentration of income and wealth at the top, the depletion of the middle class and increased poverty in the background.

Every time decreases equal opportunity means that we are not using some of our most valuable asset is our people, the most productive way possible. Also, many of the distortions that lead to inequality, such as those related to monopoly power and preferential tax treatment for special interests, undermine the efficiency of the economy.

Personally feel that not only the fact that there is economic inequality, the inequality is the eye in several ways starting with respect for basic constitutional rights of any citizen, in this country tend to be overlooked unless you are as in other economic status or  if you're native citizen. because the migrants and the middle classes are those classes that are most needed but at least they aren't take in mind.

Defenders of claim that American inequality the poor and those in the middle need not complain, it may be that piece of cake with which they are running is less than before, but thanks to the contributions of the rich and super-rich, the cake is growing so much that in fact the size of the slice is greater.

why we have figures of excessive profits on one side of the balance while the other side only recorded losses? the extent to which the defenders of inequality characteristic of a capitalist economic model intended to make up a reality that is obvious in the eyes of all?

It may not be so bad if there was even a grain of truth in the theory of the spill: the peculiar notion that enrich the above is in the interest of all. But today most Americans are worse (less real income adjusted for inflation) than a decade and a half ago in 1997. All the benefits of growth flowed to the top.

This should not surprise those who understand what is the origin of inequality. Rent-seeking distorts the economy. Of course, market forces also play a role, but the markets are policy, and the United States, with its system of campaign finance cuasicorrupto and the coming and going of people one day occupy a public office and the other is in a private company, and vice versa, depends on money politics.

Is the price that a State must pay to maintain an economic model that gets us nowhere, only to realize inequality.


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