lunes, 25 de junio de 2012

los indignados del 15m, España.

"Estaba latente; se elevaba a veces y, de pronto, comenzó a rugir con fuerza. Sus ecos tomaron las calles hablando de hartazgo, de conciencia y activismo por aquello del 'No nos representan'. Y alcanzaron a miles de personas, que abrían los oídos a medida que los decibelios iban subiendo. Era el inicio de un movimiento ciudadano que pilló a políticos y medios fuera de juego"

"15M: palabra por palabra. Una movilización de ideas, de voluntades en asamblea, de
familias y rebeldía acampada que empapeló aquellos días de recados sin respuesta. La prosa espontánea y urbana que consignó el descontento un 15 de mayo"

The benefit of this manifestation is that the media has capture the essence of the spanish movement. People feel related, and that people are the only one that can actually change for a good, and that the changing is possible. It really thrilled me to see an analyst giving a sense of hope to the decision of the people, cause in my opinion that's where the really power relies.That's what democracy actually means. 

José Luis talks about a reality when he portraits that "Al hacer mediatica la opinión pública, te has cargado la libertad de todo el público." What he means is that even when your opinion is good, once it gets in the hands of the media, it will stop being your opinion and start being manipulated by it, to generate in this case a big manifestation. He tries to makes us understand that there are also two sides of this manifestation, the media is always strong to get people, and to convince others, he wants to leave clear that message so that spanish people could vote on the elections wisely, and not only fooled by another blinded system, which is the mediatic one.

Spain suffered from having two political parties that were only interested in gaining power for each side and to generate the same kind of oppression to the spanish people, and not being a "channel of communication" for them. According to José Luis, the capitalist economic government is sinking and it's not gonna last for much long, that idea I also share it, because as we discussed in class, capitalism have come to the point in that it has stop being a benefit for the societies, the wealthy corporations or the biggest power on it are the one who rule and oppress the others, leaving us, the rest, with a bunch of financial problems, polite views issues, demands for more power and banking problems, just like it is happening on Spain.

Necesitamos una economía «más humana, más solidaria, capaz de contribuir a desarrollar la dignidad de los pueblos» José Miguel Sampedro.

Las prioridades de toda sociedad avanzada han de ser la igualdad, el progreso, la solidaridad, el libre acceso a la cultura, la sostenibilidad ecológica y el desarrollo, el bienestar y la felicidad de las personas.

El actual funcionamiento de nuestro sistema económico y gubernamental no atiende a estas prioridades y es un obstáculo para el progreso de la humanidad.

Check the interview in this link on you tube

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