martes, 3 de julio de 2012

The One Percent

The documentary The One Percent, tries to show the inequality between the social classes of United States, and how the richest families in the country keep on increasing their fortines while average americans happen to live.

Jamie Johnson is an example, used the power of his name to promote a new lifestyle to people who know and have more followers. While still living in his luxurious life and make no change in that aspect, you can see the initiative that has to change things, which is primarily important. “The One Percent” compels despite its many simplicities, showing, for instance, how sugar titans in this country have bought enough political influence to reap millions and millions in government subsidies as they trample the Everglades and exploit workers. Mr. Johnson is a young heir who isn’t out trying to name a fragrance after himself. And he cares, even if naïvely, about something that truly matters.

People that don´t hesitate when it comes to criticizing the gap between wealth and poverty, usually have this tipe of backgrounds. He starts telling to Friedman that the fact that this 1% of society that controls more than 40% of the money of the country, are the ones to blame for the other 99% of americans to not succeed, or be able to get out of the poor social class they belong. The fact that Johson has a camera to film, the resources to visit the people he wanted to interview and have the crew that helped him developed this project is thanks to the wealth that his family has provided and worked for.

It's a very interesting documentary that shows how a billionaire can make a difference in America, is an example of the rich do not only think about themselves and not see beyond their noses, but rather this example we see that is the opposite and that they also care about the common good even though they have never had any kind of difficulty or lack of money.
Johnson is proposing is to find a way of ending this type of inequality and the tacit solution is: socialism. What socialism would like to do is to redistribute the money in the countries and used them as public policies that would "benefit" the societies. 

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