domingo, 8 de julio de 2012


Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's famous response to a question about challenges to capitalism was TINA -- There Is No Alternative. If there is no alternative, anyone who questions capitalism is crazy.

Here's another, more common, acronym about life under a predatory corporate capitalism: TGIF -- Thank God It's Friday. It's a phrase that communicates a sad reality for many working in this economy -- the jobs we do are not rewarding, not enjoyable, and fundamentally not worth doing. We do them to survive. Then on Friday we go out and get drunk to forget about that reality, hoping we can find something during the weekend that makes it possible on Monday to, in the words of one songwriter, "get up and do it again."

Remember, an economic system doesn't just produce goods. It produces people as well. Our experience of work shapes us. Our experience of consuming those goods shapes us. Increasingly, we are a nation of unhappy people consuming miles of aisles of cheap consumer goods, hoping to dull the pain of unfulfilling work. Is this who we want to be?

We're told TINA in a TGIF world. Doesn't that seem a bit strange? Is there really no alternative to such a world? Of course there is. Anything that is the product of human choices can be chosen differently. We don't need to spell out a new system in all its specifics to realize there always are alternatives. We can encourage the existing institutions that provide a site of resistance, while we experiment with new forms. But the first step is calling out the system for what it is, without guarantees of what's to come.

I don't think the problem is that the whole system in which we were immersed for years made ​​us humans conformist who no longer have the voice of struggle that many people had before, we simply become part of the system, all complain of capitalism but nobody really does anything to find new forms of economy.

they unknown that there are businesses that can work in social action, make money and solve a problem, like social business. make a lot more compared to being just another employee of the capitalist system that exploits many people, also be part of these Corporations based on democracy where equity and the welfare of their employees is a priority as the Mondragon Corporation (MC).

I think not to complain all the time how badly the system works, is about to act differently and look for new alternatives, the issue isn't only in the system, but also in us that we become conformists.

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